Saturday, November 07, 2020

Thinking Of Turkey and Winds of Change


Same tree photos taken 24 hours apart, The upper photo taken yesterday about 10 AM and the bottom picture taken today about 10 AM sign of the season

Yesterday, “my tree” was virtually untouched as far as leaf-fall went. The tree lost a few leaves here and there but the tree was definitely enjoying the late growing season this fall the last night, as predicted, the latest storm front wandered into the area with clouds and gusty winds and the promise of moisture in the former rain during to snow later this evening and tomorrow. Beginning this morning I noticed large batches of leaves tumbling from the limbs with each gust of wind. It was still quite a warm wind at the point however dark another inviting the day looked. The day perfect for staying inside and that I have more or less. I did go out and stop a few other images of trees in my living area that had yet not been affected by the change in weather. I'm quite enjoying the day, stay inside that I've done this day. I've been somewhat entertained with all the speak of doom and gloom of the coming holiday season started with Thanksgiving and the caution of massing with other individuals because of the surge in the pandemic virus and how meetings like Thanksgiving dinners would greatly add to the problems this country/world is having. That's okay for me not like I would be going anywhere anyway. I am pondering whether I want to cook a Thanksgiving dinner are cave-in and have the dinner delivered to me by the local Salvation Army. Having this Thanksgiving dinner delivered would certainly be a lot less work and problem with the trade-off would be virtually no leftovers! I live for the leftovers I think the leftovers of the best part of the meal. I'm thinking if I play my cards right I can get a free turkey from the food bank and if I immediately begin thawing out the bird and may even cook the bird the day before. I mean seriously, since I will not be either sharing my dinner with anyone else are going out I can eat the damn bird whenever I want. So, I cooked the bird a day or two before the meal, the big meal, and prepare the dishes the day before. Mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, dressing and possibly green beans and of course the pumpkin pies a couple days ahead of time. And then on the day have a simple little meal in front of my computer/flatscreen. It's not the same as giving the aluminum foil covered tray from the food bank that I'd have leftovers for the week at least.

Annette, my former home health person and housekeeper did not show up this morning. I suppose this means she is also my former housekeeper – – I don't mean to be redundant – – I have not heard that she was not coming. I guess I could've called texted her left message but just as well. The notion still might wander in tomorrow or sometime later in the week. I'm sure she still getting acclimated to her new job. I think it by all right without her services on the apartment but the kind want her look my butt and maybe take me up again for the coming week. I also think it might be time to start questing for a new Housekeeper. Shame however I'd kind of gotten used to Annette and her peculiar ways…

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