Friday, November 20, 2020

Two For The Price Of One


I'm pleased. It's rare that I do something on my own initiative that turns out even close to being what I envisioned of what I wanted but this time might be one. My prints came today. My very first art purchase two prints of works by Marc Chagall: the Angels and the Circus Girl. Angels is not the right name of the title too lazy to go look it up right now but it's an image of Angels. Yes that's right I got to if remember from my post from a couple weeks ago but I got a deal saving almost $20 on the purchase. Sadly (not to sadly) the images are relatively small not like 36 x 24” Chagall poster I purchased a month or two ago. But these will do once I find suitable frames and get some assistance in placing the images in the frames I think I'll be pleased. Ever noticed with the proper framing as well as the border around the images in the frame even a small image can look large and enjoyable. I'm halfway there. I might go over to Michael's in the next couple days and see what they would charge to frame these items. I'm sure it'll be expensive and may have to do one one quarter and another the next. The cost was not too bad had I not got the price break each image will cost around 99 bucks which is not a lot I understand but still for me it's a lot for a piece of paper with an image on it. I just have to rethink my value system. I struggle so much with my blue-collar upbringing. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for the circumstances and my rearing. It's just I spent the latter part of my life catching up with the lifestyle I wish I been born into. I know I'm shallow…

My dear aunt's funeral was today. Even if the Covid 19 was not raging I don't know if I would've gone down to Santa Quinn for the graveside service. Will actually, I'm sure they will have a actual funeral in the building cardboard house had there not been Covid. As it were there is a brief graveside ceremony complete with a vocal rendering. A beautiful day for a service outside. It was chilly but the sun shone and at 2 o'clock it was relatively warm. What was fascinating to me was that they broadcast the funeral over A Zoom connection. The ceremony came across pretty well actually. I'm thankful and I appreciate the Zoom concept especially being use for a funeral. There is pretty good video and audio a few breakups here and there considering the infancy of the technology became off pretty decent. Like I said a bit primitive but definitely loads a promise. The whole broadcast last about 30 minutes which included Prayers, alive sketch and open mic or people could respond with feelings of their own for the deceased. The mics were even opened up to the people in the Zoom audience where they could give their own testimony of the person who passed. Much safer and comfortable for those of us at home. I chose not to say anything letting the bloods and others celebrate my aunt's life. Think I was shy. It's a great way to do a funeral no question about that except for no visiting with cousins directly, or seconds of funeral potatoes another post funeral delicacies…

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