Friday, November 27, 2020

The Proclamation


This note appeared today on the bulletin board on the manager's office. I'd wandered up towards the front of the building to drop off my updated emergency phone number document. You know that document that management has if you die or whatever they can get a hold of your support person most likely someone in your family. On a side note this is the first time I've ever seen the documents specifically state that not only does it specify who to contact in case of emergency it also indicates these individuals would sort of be on the line for any unpaid bills through the apartment complex. This is kind of weird kind of makes me a little concerned about throwing our brother and from the bus in case I get run over by the bus. But like I said, that's a blog for another day.

This document indicates there are people in our building that had been diagnosed Covid 19 positive. I'm not sure what that exactly means but I'm continuing to digest the information. This afternoon around lunchtime I was watching another episode of Fringe (I'm currently semi-binging the five seasons) when there's a knock on my door and it's my neighbor from across the hall Billie and Billie immediately asks if I'd seen the notification. Now realize that Billie is a 80-year-old, very nice lady, who never really wants to make waves as it's not polite but I could see that she was visibly shaken. She was definitely checking to see my reaction to my feelings about the document. In truth I have not given much thought to the document but the back my mind I was wondering who among the residents at the apartment complex was diagnosed if for any other reason than to stay away from them. Then consider wondered should management be doing more. I then dismissed the whole thing until Billie showed up. She definitely wants to know who has it. She was a bit of a fracas yesterday at the disbursement of the Salvation Army Thanksgiving launches. A lot of residents were in line to pick up the meal and of course the resident charge who is the least qualified person to do such a thing had gotten everybody exasperated and though no punches were thrown and everyone was wearing a mask still you never know who could be thrown out spit and virus.

As the dedicated, long-term reader knows I'm on the Board of Directors of the outfits who runs this project. More than once I've been contacted by folks live here about problems they see happening. I have little if no power to speak of – – which is just as well – – but I'm in agreement with Billie and soon some of the others I understand you want to know who is testing positive and who is quarantined for obvious reasons. I of course try to get a hold of management but of course everyone's gone for the long Thanksgiving holiday. I don't see anybody anyway except for Billie pretty much and that's good for me however I don't know about anybody else and I don't know how well an effective these masks work. Our favorite nurse ratchet person has already increased her efforts of sanitizing all the doorknobs and handrails in the facility. Reminds me of a scene from Wall-E, or the little scrubbers work all over the floor of the space station it's a lot like that. I'll just try to keep a low profile until Monday and hopefully administration will be back in their offices trying to figure out how to do the Yuletide party remotely/virtually…

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