Saturday, November 21, 2020

Pre-Thanksgiving Rush


It has started. I wasn't really to do this but the day was so bright and sunny I had no choice. Is that a poor excuse or what? But, I felt driven to go out and do some holiday Thanksgiving shopping. I was really going to try to find a turkey that I felt comfortable with cooking. It have to be a small bird but something that would make me feel Thanksgiving like. I really was only going to go across the street (I did) but the only turkeys they had were already thawed out. They were bigger than what I had wanted and probably more expensive – – that really wasn't an issue after all it's Thanksgiving. They did have some frozen pieces of dark meat wings and legs in such but for some reason I did want to pay the kind of money they're asking for parts – – now that still might change as we get closer to the holiday.

Anyway as I was leaving my apartment I ran into my neighbor Billie, across the hall, who informed me that they're giving out turkeys at the food bank across the driveway for my apartment. It's actually now that I think about it I was coming back from the market when I ran into Billie. In that moment I weakened and quickly downloaded the materials from my market trip and dashed across the parking lot and got in line. I wish I had taken my camera there are about four other individuals in line ahead of me and the door to the food bank is on the north side of the building and quite frankly the day was cold. Luckily I had a long sleeve shirt, almost sweatshirt but is wearing shorts and I was okay. The person in front of me was also wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt and looked dismal I even thought he was shaking all over almost convulsing but he seemed to be in control. He was sitting on the pavement which must've been really cold. The person in front of him, and this is the one I really want to take an image of, was totally decked out in motorcycle garb from the helmet to his booted feet was in black Harley Davidson leathers. In part in the parking area was what looked like a sleek brand-new Harley Davidson softail. The bike was beautiful not a scratch on it looking like you just been driven off this show floor. The owner, perceived Owner, just stood there story waiting for his turn. I would love to know his story and why he was Standing in line at the Taylorsville food bank is cold Saturday morning.

Finally the doorbell sounded and the open the door and I rolled in. It's a been a number weeks since I've been there – – when trying to wean myself off of the food bank. However, free turkey is free turkey. I was only interested in the “holiday dinner” which is a shopping bag full of everything one would need for a holiday dinner from pumpkin To potatoes all in cans or bags. In a fit of pathos I took a few the offerings the food bank people offered me which I knew I didn't want or need (I took them and put them on the sharing shelf) but I got my hand stamp and the special ticket for the side door were handed out the turkeys. Of course I didn't get a turkey. I guess this is okay I've got a frozen breast thawing in the refrigerator right now which I think will be just right for cooking on Tuesday or Wednesday. Of got everything I need one breast, dressing, dehydrated potatoes and real potatoes, pumpkin, pineapple bits and other various cans of fruit. Just the whole of everything. I'm sure I will make another trip to the market Tuesday or Wednesday. I realized that I don't have any fresh celery which I would need for the jazzed up box of dressing, stovetop, I was provided. I mean after all and cooking for one. I thought about building a pie or to but I don't know. Might be just easier to purchase one from the market. I have to admit however I am getting excited looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner even if it's just by myself hope you're feeling the energy boost of the season…

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