Tuesday, August 24, 2021





It's Tuesday and it's one of those weeks when we didn't have an Assist, Inc. meeting which kind of leaves me up in the air and trying to figure out what to do with my time – – which is pretty stupid because I can do anything that I want with my time. It's a beautiful day temperature in the 90s low 90s anyway, I have money a power chair that seems to be working just fine I just don't have the drive our desire to do much. It's a shame that I have to have something in place like a meeting to do something. That's why, I guess, I will never be great and that's okay by me I live a little life, a small life that's about all I can handle :-). However having said that I felt that a better shake my but a little bit and drive around my neighborhood just to say that I'd done something somewhat productive today.

Remember last week or couple weeks ago when I was all acting a little miffed or possibly spooked because I'd gone to feed the ducks and the water is all gone from the canal/ditch where these little bits of wildlife live. I thought it was a sign of the times, I thought it was the drought. I thought somewhere someone made a decision that we need to cut the water off the places like parks and who knows where else. I'm actually it was later following that posting that I ran into somebody who actually knew what happened. There had been a breach in the wall of the canal with the right term is bank whatever it is significant amount of dirt washed away allowing some major flooding upstream from my little park. I mean it's not a very big canal but when I look the canal through unfamiliar eyes I see it's actually a pretty big ditch and if the amount of water rushing through a neighborhood all at one time we really could be some damage especially to houses and apartments with basements. Who would've thunk, Taylorsville has its own little mini disaster mimicking the giant floods that seem to be tormenting this nation right now. Mark Anthony in my examined the remains of the breach a couple weeks ago and saw the captured minnows and other forms of wildlife affected by the disaster both felt bad but I just figured it was the natural course of life. Not to get too philosophical but I began to wonder what happened to the ducks and the geese. The geese are big Canadians migrator S. They'd been by this ditch all spring and summer there were goslings all over the place in fact I was surprised at how many young they had specially with the amount AND I guess raccoons in the area. But the other wild ducks and regular looking white ducks what about them? They just sort of pick up and while away and find new water? I got to wondering just how they do that. Never did find the question are the answer to that question. With relief, last week when we checked the ditch after breakfast the bridge had obviously been mended and the water was flowing at the top of the banks. A big heavy flow of blue/gray water slowly wandering through the ditch. I of course immediately wondered where the ducks were. On my rollaround just now, which I took to ensure that I did something to be of value, I noticed the water still high and placid but very devoid of wildlife. A rolled up and down beside the road by the ditch but didn't see any signs of the wild floaters are domestic floaters as well. Obviously words not gotten out that the ditch is fixed. Imagine the ducks found apartment complexes and perhaps other parks with water and people silly enough to spend an inordinate amount of time bring pieces of white bread and the murky water…

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