Saturday, August 14, 2021

No Image Saturday

Not much going on today, Saturday it's a catch-up day, month and I'm doing a whole Lotta catch-up and I need to be doing something since I don't have a cleaning person to keep my apartment from becoming a land of desolation. A kind cleaned out the refrigerator. Actually, I was looking for the last of the bacon I made last week. I had this illusion of building of building an omelette. It's been forever since I've done the morning cooking. I knew I had an onion and had three fourths of a green pepper add to that food bank shredded cheese a quart of liquefied egg that I got the from the food bank towards the end of last year. I found the egg solution was rummaging around the fridge looking for the bacon. But I reserve the last item needed for this omelette which would be, the will to cook.
I was surprised at how well this omelette came together especially since I kept running into things I had to do before I could build the omelette and I'm not even counting process in the vegetables. I had a host of plastic containers with “food” inside which now would qualify as a science experiment by any qualified laboratory. There were things stuck to the surface of the refrigerator flat spaces. I found eggs but I think were hard-boiled at one time and I felt needed to be handled like hand grenades just waiting to be agitated enough to explode. Old cartons of cottage cheese half used, same with sour cream and bags of fruit which had gone around the corner at some point in the last two quarters of the year. I had to be careful that this refrigerator cleansing did not become a full event and take over the building of my omelette. I could really see this happening. I still have to get back in the refrigerator believe piles of rags soaked with hot water on surfaces in the hopes of removing all the gunk that's accumulated over the last year or so. But,I chopped up a fourth of the remaining green pepper and onion and bacon and after washing my skillet I started the process of cooking. Mind you I also opened the carton of liquid eggs and poured a portion into a stainless steel mixing bowl and tested the liquid to see if it was still viable which should seem to be – – I was amazed! The help that yesterday while listening to Radio West they talked about how worthless the “best used by” phrase on packaging with just a scam for the most part.
I wish I taken an image of a omelette, very rarely does an omelette turnout is beautiful as this one. I of course cooked half of the processed vegetables and bacon then added the eggs than a good portion of shredded cheese – – I mean a good portion because as I was shaking the bag in a giant clump filled into the mix – – turn down the heat let the items cook and cook at low heat. I even managed to keep the whole thing together and flipped the omelette which is half the size of the frying pan over to finish the cooking process. The only ingredient I wish I'd had was mushrooms, any kind dried, regular or even a can of mushrooms. It didn't matter the omelette was great I outdid myself the sender's own care to see it…

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