Thursday, August 05, 2021

Staying Awake!


It's My olderbrothers birthday today, the one just older than me by five years. How many times do you need to call someone before you have done your familial/friendship duty of contacting them on their birthday? I called shortly before 11 AM this morning figuring that I gave the old guy ample time to get up and get going. I really, besides wanting to wish him the best of the day, wanted to see and make sure that the card that I sent last week had gotten to him. It's important, you know, that they know that you are thinking of them and if they didn't get a physical rendering of your love for them I purity. A card with money, you need to make sure that if nothing else you thought enough to give them an audio greeting for their birthday. I did leave a message on his answering service don't know how long he checks these things I know I rarely check mine. So even though he has a message I will try couple more times tonight to see if I can make contact.

I really kind of ran out of energy of things I was going to do today. Of course the biggest item on my list was the weekly close washing. In fact this week I was up very early (out of bed by 5:30 AM) and dressed only in my robe that I zoom down to the laundry before anybody else could take the big washer also known as the front loader and throwing in my meager wearing apparel before this other Thursday morning laundry person starts their wash. I don't think she even showed up today but still this is the way to do the wash. I pretty much have everything done by 10:30 AM. I could have really done the wash, which means folding my shorts and hanging up my shirts unfolding the various towels and washcloth that sneak into the weekly laundry. However, I waited till about 5:30 PM to do the folder hang routine while visiting with Dianne on the phone seems to work out that way very nice. But I have to confess that little bit of work I did today is left is somewhat exhausted. I shouldn't be for as little work as I've done but I must remember that I'm 70 years old! And I guess that should make some difference… Really?

As you all know today is Thursday which means it's coffee club day down in the community room. I really do enjoy this interlude where I get to visit with many of the folks I don't see during the week until coffee. One of my close friends, here at the complex, was asking me questions about other folks at the coffee group. She said something that made me remark about how cliché many events here at the center seam. She looked at me weird and then suggested that well “we are old” that's what we do. We had been talking group that started this last year week which is the “game group” the coming together of like minds to play board games and other games which I feel seniors play. Again, my friend looked at me like “what is your point? We are old that's little people do”. I refuse to accept this and probably is just denial on my part but I just hate being lumped into a certain group just because of age. When I turned 70 earlier this year I was immediately worried. Of course I've been in denial of aging for some time trying to hide behind any cliché I can get my hands on that would delay the concept. But it's 7 PM. The news is over as his dinner and I'm sitting here trying to stay awake as I write this entry. I don't even have an image to go along with my entry tonight. I guess I can go to bed but I'll be surprised if I get to bed before my usual 11 PM if not later time. Maybe I'll just sit in front of my screen and nod, watching him again one of the offerings from the Marvel universe…

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