Saturday, August 28, 2021

I Got Framed!


I really had other plans for how the day was going to turn out. Like so many things in my life everything turns on a spin of my wheels. I had planned to start my day after dressing and making a little breakfast by doing my last 30 minutes of my weekly workout bringing my time under exercise to 210 minutes. From there I wasn't sure what I had in mind except for maybe going up to the shopping area around 5400 S. and going to the dollar store and getting a few provisions mainly cheese crackers or peanut butter crackers or brick of both. So, as I was getting ready for my workout I put my glasses on the bed and was getting my tablet ready to play some podcasts while I worked out. I knocked my glasses on the floor and I thought to myself right then ' stop and pick up the glasses right now or at least move them out of the way of possibly running over them'. I of course did not thinking I would note exactly where they were at. 10 minutes later I was just finishing preparations when suddenly I heard “crunch” and sure enough I had been a full on it of my glasses on the floor. Since I didn't have my glasses on all I can see is a mangled mess. I swept up the mess immediately and to my relief the lenses were intact but the frames were totally destroyed. I immediately put down the tablet and grabbed my cell phone and looked up the next bus leaving Taylorsville for Murray Central Station which is right next to Costco were actually got my glasses. I was taking a trip in the Costco.

Route 47 runs on 30 minute headways so you never really have to wait very long. I actually could've made it on the next bus out that I chose to take the next cycle. Allow me to put together my travel pack in my shoulder pack and not have to rush. I made sure my bus pass was with me and that I had a stick/ To reach things with chilled I need . The morning was perfect for travel no cloud cover but enough smoke to blunt the direct sunlight. I wish I could say there is something exciting which happened on my trip in but to be honest it was just a good ride. Nothing strange happened, no combatants on the bus, the driver was really nice drop me off at the hospital just before the bus turns into Murray central station which allows me to cross a street travel to the hospital campus and over to Costco.

You know, if there is one piece to this trip that was a little annoying it was the gatekeeper at Costco who decide to do a power trip on me and challenge me for my Costco card. My suspicioned that this might happen had my cart out and just past the punk by. The best part about my morning actually was my interactions with the technician at the optometrist section of Costco. I had the remnants of my glasses in the glass case I was provided with my purchased these frames and lenses. She pronounced him dead – – which I already knew. I asked her to check and sure enough they had a backup set of frames which I vaguely remember requesting they do this in preparation for this event. I amaze myself sometimes. 50 bucks that's what it cost I figured out I got out okay. I didn't want to spend any money or put any money on my credit card before the next payment cycle but the ox is in the mire sometimes regard do what you got a do. I was wearing my backup glasses the pair I had before I got these the lenses were pretty well scratched up but they're still usable. The tech took them tightened up everything and having the back and wished me a good day. I stuffed the backup glasses in the glass case put it back in my shoulder bag and then wandered around store wishing I had a way a way to carry things home but sort of glad that I didn't and went for my bus.

Like I said, this is really pretty much a bland entry but perhaps that's the excitement of the bland day, the day where everything goes right even when it goes wrong and you still rollaway with new frames…

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