Thursday, October 12, 2023

Groundhog days

 I think I may have figured out what I might be doing wrong at this point in my life. I get to the end of the day like right now and realize I really haven't done anything with my day. I'm not sure if I can Rectify that particular issue but I can certainly examine why perhaps I feel that way. Today was coffee social as it is every Thursday. So I end up spending time in the morning after I get up and get dressed waiting for the coffee social which is at 9:30 a.m. and then at 10:30 which is basically the end of the social I end up heading back to the apartment if I don't have anything else scheduled and I really do. Then it's whatever I do for lunch and like today it's too cold or too wet to do anything out just because I want to. If I had a meeting scheduled or something like that I would go and do it but just to go out in a cold rainy day I don't think so. However that leaves me with the proposition that not doing anything until 2:00 or so when I do my arm bike workout which is usually for 60 minutes. I like the time it for 2:00 p.m. because that gets me into the show called the world on NPR which is right before Market Street which I really do want to listen to everyday if I can but of course that smack dab right in the middle of the afternoon so if I want to do anything I have to squeeze it in before the workout or squeeze it in after Marketplace which gets over at 3:38 p.m. this means I can run over to the market Maybe or something else if I wanted to really I guess I could go to a later movie but I rarely do that. Thoughts just goosing around the apartment till 5:00 if when I have my Comcast working I can watch the local news and the national affiliates and perhaps make some dinner. And really that's about it. I might watch a movie or something during dinner and after dinner but that takes me up to the 8:00 hour usually and if I'm smart I'm Vlogging and I'm doing my journal and then it's time for bed or if I'm lucky I can get in bed early enough to read perhaps an hour before turning out the light and that's pretty much my day. It's certainly chews it up quickly. Today because I didn't really go anywhere I've only got 7/10 of a mile on my odometer. I don't know if I can count visiting with people on Reddit or whatever as good time spent during the day but I do spend some time visiting with Reddit people which I use as filler often times.

My place is still a mess and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. Of course that's not true at all because I could do something about it if I wanted to but obviously I can deal with the mess on a regular basis since I don't do much to change it. I always hold out hope that my one previous caregiver who is great at homekeeping will come around and eat some money and then she'll spoof up the place a little bit which makes it a bit more survivable. I don't know how to just go about and do a contract with a cleaning service that would just come in and do some stuff I mean I know how I just can't read myself to do it maybe that's the the problem but somehow I think I'm getting closer I've got to do something. I just want another Simple Solution like I had before when I just called the phone number on the bulletin board outside Jennifer's office that's not going to happen anytime soon …

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