Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Wash Day

 The only really productive thing I did all day was to make sure the wash got done. I've or should I say we've developed a system that on Wednesday mornings when Melissa is here doing my program that she uses the wait time to take my wash down to the laundry and start the the wash and then as she leaves she transfers the wash to the dryer and starts the dryer. This leaves me to just head down, or remember to head down, to the laundry and fetch the clothes under the concept that they'll be dry which they really aren't but I sort of give it up on the two dry method. I used to when the clothes were damp like that after the first dryer sequence I would throw in three more quarters then dry the hell out of them but that really means she have to be committed to the point to stay around another 45 minutes at least before you can Harvest they're really dry clothes. But now I operate on the concept that if I hang the clothes up they'll dry. My shorts are usually dry anyway but the shirts tend to be a little damp especially those that are bundled up inside each other little knots that never get exposed to the Heat. They're not really wet just a little bit damp so I hang them up with the belief that over the week that I will be wearing these clothes they'll dry out especially hanging up in the closet. You'll see the image I have tonight posted with this posting that the clothes that I folded, the shorts still sitting on the foot of the bed that I have to put away before I can fall into bed. That's not a problem I just move them from the bed over to the other wheelchair station- - speaking of which I finally got the call from my wheelchair shop that my regular chair is finally finished. I guess the parts came in and I'll be okay to go trouble is I cannot get my chair until Friday when they'll deliver it. I really did put up too much of a fuss, though a lot of people thought that I should have, and just accepted the notion that they will deliver the chair when they want to. I suppose if I still had a wheelchair van I could have sent somebody over with the van to pick up the chair and brought it back anytime. The problem with having the chair come back on Friday if it's after the time that Melissa is here I won't be able to transfer to the chair until the following Monday unless somebody comes over specifically to assist me with such a transfer. Maybe possibly Melissa would come back for the 10 minutes it would take to transfer me out of this chair into the other chair. I wish I had another place to store my backup chair I've enjoyed having much more room in the bedroom. Maybe I could put the chair out on the porch patio and cover it up over the winter if I am careful.

I can't remember if I told you all about the squash that Gloria cut up and fried the other night for me. I'm too lazy to go back and check see if I had. But anyway, when she was here the other day cleaning up she had this big squash that's been sitting on my table since late summer I was really to throw it out he said no she'll fix it up so she cut it up sliced it pretty thin added onions couple sausages I had left over from breakfast cheese and a few other things I can't remember right now and cooked it up. That was a little spooked by the whole thing I didn't know if I wanted to eat it or not but I knew that she would ask if I had eaten it not be a fool and a dummy to say that I had if I hadn't cuz she would find out one way or the other so I fried up a portion of the concoction and ate it during the viewing of when the Marvel Comics I've got The Avengers. It was pretty good I think I would have added a can of ground beef or regular beef and I think I might do that the next time I have access to a squash of some sort I could even use potatoes and that would have been really good…

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