Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday Mumblings

Another day I basically chose not to go out. I use the lame excuse that I need to stay in to Outside is very cold I would venture to say bone chilling cold but I went out today anyway rolled all the way down to the university I mean Community College and caught the bus went southbound to the movies. It was after lunch almost 1:00 so it wasn't as cold as it could have been, the sun is out and even though the temperature is cold from the cold Canadian winds that have come down you can still gather some Heat/ warmth from the Sun. I had the red blanket over my legs and the hood with the marijuana paraphernalia patches on the front wrapped around my shoulders to give my upper body some heat. The cold was not bad but I certainly will have to take some time getting used to it again. Following the movie, rather than try to get home on the hit and miss curbing to the sidewalks that's being repaired and such I elected to stay at the bus stop and wait for the 217 to take me home. Like I said there was not a cloud in the sky and even though the house temperature was cold stay inside the shelter and tipped up towards the Sun I was able to deal with waiting tell the bus arrived. I enjoyed my experience at the movie house even though as supremely frustrated. I had the urge early on through the movie that I needed to use the bathroom but I didn't pay attention to it or I tried to think I could hold myself until the movie and then I could get to the bathroom but then I sort of remembered when I thought that I was holding my pee I really wasn't thrust my hand down between my legs and sure enough I was wet not supremely wet yet but it was coming. I waited till the movie ended anyway then got to the large family bathroom that you can lock the door and you're the only one in there. And for the life of me I couldn't expose my penis head to stick the catheter in. It was so frustrating because by that point in time I was peeing even more as obviously I was dealing with a full bladder. Finally I totally undid my pants and finally it's enough coaxing and grabbing and finessing the penis in stoma I got enough of an erection to thrust the catheter down the eye of the monster to bring up the golden liquid and relieve the pressure from the bladder by that time I was a mess. Not only had I wet my pants but a spasm through my shoe off of my right foot. The only good thing about the whole thing was not one person rattle the door to get in as I was going through my urinary crisis. But that point in time I accepted the fact that I had gotten a movie out of the day and that was going to be it I need to get home and either out of these shorts or exposed myself to the hair dryer and at least dry him as much as I could which I did. I put my red blanket over my legs and tucked it in around my foot so you couldn't tell that I didn't have a shoe on and then wrapped the the other side of the blanket around the other Lakes are both were tucked in and finally waited at the bus stop until the 217 showed up and came on home and enjoy the heat of the apartment. I left the heater on so there was some heat but it seems like my unit is pretty chilly so it's going to be a long winter for sure… on kid letters- - which I did - - and I worked out on the arm bike for an hour but mostly tried to stay warm. I figured I really had turned on that furnace yet though I thought that I had so I got that cranking a little bit spent some time trying to figure out the heater that I keep by the computer screen got a little heat coming out of it too so I was able to basically stay warm. Of course head on my stocking cap and we put long sleeves on me this morning when we dressed me. As I've written before my home health person comes at around 8:30 today she was a shade later I would say about 8:45 a.m. and then that takes about an hour so it's almost 10:00 when she leaves and I'm dressed and ready for the day. Many times I still have to ingest something for breakfast or some sort. And as soon as you 11:00 and the day is basically gone sort of. There's really not much I could do in 2 hours that I would like to be back in time to listen to to radio shows on NPR, the world and Marketplace while I work out on my 60 Minute ride that I do on Mondays. And of course, marketplace does not get over until 3:30 p.m. and I suppose if I were all set I could then take off and do something but then the days basically over. I could have gone over and got a few cans of peppers and stuff at the market but at that juncture I'm pretty much looking at staying in tell a new starts at 5:00. Today I had the letters to work on so I didn't feel I was wasting a lot of time but many days I just try to figure out something I can do to take up the time. But hadn't been so cold today I would have gone across the street and got in provisions. But I have enough Peppers to get me through another couple days and I can live without a cucumber in my pepper drink so I just tried to keep the heat cranking and just doing odd jobs around the kitchen and the bedroom. This morning I almost did not make it, the transfer from bed to my power chair. I sort of got wedged between the two which is not necessarily A Bad Thing that happens usually every morning to some extent which I count as part of the morning transfer process but this time it went a little bit deeper than usual and I got Twisted a little bit and I couldn't really pull myself up with the trapeze like I usually do. It took me almost 10 minutes to correct that transfer and I didn't have to call on anybody like to Fire Department to assist. I was fortunate or I was blessed or both. This is been happening a lot more with the new chair and I'm writing off this learning phase as okay. It's something in the back of my mind is also suggesting that I consider that this might be the next phase and getting old and not being able to transfer as well as I used to and take further precautions to make sure each transfer is safe and secure and doable on my own. Cuz if it isn't I'm looking at other options that aren't as pleasant as what I have now…

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