Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Hoodie blue

 Of course it was a rainy day and quite cool for my trip into the city for my assist meeting. I was kind of excited however to wear my new hood which we ordered last week and came in on Saturday. I was worried that it would not fit but it seems to work just fine even though it's quite huge everywhere else it will go around me perfectly and it's not as heavy as I would like but it seems to be doing the job for now. So with this Hood which is Bluer Than I would like because I wanted black and with the marijuana hood that I got Saturday from Ross's which is basically a black hood pullover not with a zipper I'm doing good and I plan to keep my heavy duty black hood which is pretty hammered even though I keep it washed it looks dirty but it's very warm but very heavy. The rain wasn't significant where I went and when I went to the bus stop. Just chilly. Had a problem getting off the train when I came to the stop that I needed the ramp would not deploy and the door would not open and I had to go to the next train stop and then hit the emergency button and have the driver come back and open up the door and let me off. This put me quite a ways away from the stop that I get off at the library which is right across the street from where I have my meeting. The bright side was that there were a number of small shops in the area that I could grab coffee from and actually I went to a Burger King and got coffee there with a good enough stopper that I didn't get slashed over with coffee by the time I got to my destination a couple blocks down from where I had to get off.

I had way too much fried food today and I need to watch it. I even stopped off at Taco Time for a meat stick which was delish. I was able to get home time for my daily broadcast of marketplace. I was able to get in half an hour of the world before Marketplace started but I did get a whole hour of time in on my own bike which means I'm right on schedule. Tomorrow I'll do another hour and then I will almost have my 200 minutes for the week. I usually do a half an hour on Thursday to bring myself up to and pass the 200 minute mark. I know it doesn't look like I did very much today but it feels like I did. I tell you driving the power chair on the sidewalks of Salt Lake City- - probably any City for that matter can certainly wear a person out and I'm feeling pretty tired. Maybe get to bed early and read a couple chapters in the current book and then tumble off into sleep the weather supposed to be better at least no clouds are rain clearing up….

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