Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday Serenade

 I socialized! That's one thing I did today that got me out of the apartment, at least across the street to the coffee shop. Other than that I've pretty much just stayed in the apartment with the heater on and enjoying my internet connection. Actually I've been binging a series off of Netflix about planet Earth, it's very high brow. I have one more segment to watch but I don't know if I'll do that tonight. Maybe tomorrow sometime in the afternoon because I don't plan to do a whole lot tomorrow except go to breakfast with Marc Anthony. I can't believe I'm being such a wuss because of the cold air but there's just no reason to be out in it if I don't have to. Perhaps I'm being careful and not subjecting myself to any undue flu/ hold risks respiratory risks but if that was the case I sure as hell wouldn't be going out tomorrow for breakfast. I almost ran across the street this evening to the market pick up a rotisserie chicken but then talked  myself out of it at the last moment thinking I have enough food here at the apartment to get me through tomorrow. Granted it's not cooked like the rotisserie chicken would be but it's in cans basically cooked and I can cook something tomorrow if I really need to. And I have things in the freezer like I said frozen burritos and such. Today at the coffee shop the tamale man came around and I picked up some tamales as well I could actually throw together a little Hispanic lunch should I desire. A couple of tamales or at least one tamale one burrito and smothered with cheese jalapenos and maybe even some rice if I really got that industrious. So no reason to go to the market today.

Tomorrow I would like to devote a good part of the day to finishing up on the kid letters so I'll be able to have them in the mail by the 1st. I only have a couple letters left to do but the big challenge nowadays is printing them holding my mouth just right to make sure the printer keeps functioning to get the letters done, the envelopes printed and the envelope stuffed. I made sure I have enough change the stuff the kid letters who get money so I've all set to go. It's really maybe a half an hour to an hour job that I stretch out over the day but what better thing can I do on a Sunday- - don't answer that:-) it's enough that I feel I'm getting something accomplished especially when I'm getting them out on time I'm getting kind of proud of that.

So it's Saturday night and again I'm sitting here in the bedroom dictating this last document of the week for me. And you know that's not half bad. In fact I'm kind of looking forward to getting undressed early and hopping in bed and reading my novel until I start falling to sleep what a great way to end a week. Hate to admit it however but it's also a very senior way to end the week but hey? Isn't that where we're at? I'm closer to 80 then I am to 20 boy that's scary.,,

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